HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method – is a unique method of relaxed, natural childbirth education, enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques.
HypnoBirthing provides the missing link that allows women to use their natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier, more comfortable birthing.
Emphasis is placed on pregnancy and childbirth, as well as on pre-birth parenting and the consciousness of the pre-born baby. As a birthing method, HypnoBirthing is as new as tomorrow and as old as ancient times.
I used HypnoBirthing to help prepare for all 3 of my births. I have experienced first-hand the power of this program, and it has been a joy to share HypnoBirthing with my community as a certified instructor for over 10 years.
HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education classes are run as a series of 4 or 5 private sessions, depending on your needs. Sessions take place either in-person at my office or virtually by video call. Participants will receive:
- Information-packed private sessions, helping you to understand why labour doesn’t have to hurt
- Info for planning your Birth Preferences
- A set of Birth Prompts for your birth Companion
- Demonstration and practice in optimal birth positions
- A guide to good pregnancy nutrition
- Several deep relaxation techniques for use during birthing and beyond
- Special calm breathing methods for use throughout labour and during birthing
- The advantage and confidence of the Mongan Method reputation for top-quality birthing preparation
“We believe that every woman has within her the power to call upon her natural instincts to bring about the best possible birthing for her baby and herself”
-Marie F. Mongan
Join me on the journey to wholesome family health.